Center for Nutrition and Food Security

Welcome to the Center for Nutrition and Food Security

At the Center for Nutrition and Food Security, we are dedicated to ensuring that every individual has access to nutritious food they need for a healthy life. Our mission is to combat food insecurity and promote optimal nutrition through comprehensive educational programs, community outreach, and innovative research.

Our Key Focus Areas

  • Educational Outreach: We provide technical support to government departments besides offering workshops, seminars, and online resources to build knowledge products centering around human nutrition.
  • Community Programs: Our community-based initiatives provide customized programmes varying from hunger reduction to sustainable farm to plate initiatives.
  • Research and Innovation: We conduct translational public health research to understand the root causes of food insecurity and develop sustainable solutions built on social, commercial, environmental determinants of health.

In the News

End Malnutrition Initiative 

The End Malnutrition Initiative (EMI) is a flagship program proudly developed by the Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health, a unit of CHD Group. EMI is a pioneering effort born from a blend of innovative goals and is designed to be implemented at the grassroots level, requiring the cooperation of multiple stakeholders. EMI is dedicated to transforming the landscape of nutrition and child development. Traditional methods have fallen short in addressing India’s malnutrition crisis and also holds good for large parts of the world. EMI is a critical, game-changing project that engages communities, corporate companies and develops cooperation among stakeholders. Our goal is to create impactful, sustainable solutions that can be scaled and replicated across the country.

The Center for Nutrition and Food Security is instrumental in addressing several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. By conducting innovative research and implementing community-based programs, the centre ensures access to nutritious food and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. These efforts directly contribute to reducing hunger and malnutrition, thereby improving public health outcomes.

For more information about the End Malnutrition Initiative and how you can get involved, please contact us or visit ECIPH. Join us in our mission to create a world where nutritious food is accessible to all in our quest to nurture a healthy world.

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