Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health (ECIPH) Empowers Future Healthcare Professionals with Advanced Communication Strategies

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One day workshop on Mastering effective communication in Public Health was conducted for Masters of Public Health students of Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health.

In a dedicated effort to equip future healthcare professionals with the essential skills for effective communication, the Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health (ECIPH) held a one-day workshop for MPH students. Effective communication plays a very crucial role in the field of Public Health across various levels, from disseminating information to promoting healthy behaviors and addressing public health challenges. Communication skill is an added advantage in Public Health field-be it in health promotion and education, information dissemination, education campaigns, Policy advocacies, Global collaborations, or media relations.

Nishanth Shetty- Head, Operations of CHD Group, a leading Public Health Organization lead the workshop on multilayered aspects of communication. The workshop covered various aspects like Fundamentals of Effective communication, Unlocking the power of Effective verbal and non-verbal communication and Enhancing Communication skills and Proficiency.

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful public health initiatives. It empowers individuals, builds trust, and facilitates the implementation of evidence-based interventions, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes and well-being for communities at large.

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