Flooding in Assam is a classic example of urgent climate action

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Recently, we all have gone through a heart breaking news about Assam flood, which is one of the biggest disaster happened in our country. Since Assam is a flood prone state, the impact of the disaster was critical. According to Central Water Comission’s bulletin, 28 districs were suffered from flooding. The rivers Brahmaputra, Beki, Kopili, Barak and Kushiyara namely were flowing above the danger level. Around 2930 viillages were affected, over 1.9 million people were suffered, 373 relief camps were opened and sheltered around 1,00,000 people. More than 700 families are still out of drinking water, food and  their daily ration in the affected regions. The flood followed by the landslides took 54 lives in Assam. 

 Floods followed by, land slides become a nightmare of the people in different regions of our country. Many people have lost their lives, house , fields etc. Not only in Assam but many other places like Uttarakhand, Andra pradesh, Kerala have recently witnessed such calamities. All these disasters led to, imbalances of  economic, social and mental status of an individual or the country. Overcoming the side effects caused by a disaster, is the most crucial part and the struggles of the victims, the government and the country remains for a longer duration.


Of course. We all might have noticed a huge rise in the natural disasters in past decades than usual. A sudden increase in temperature, changes in weather pattern, repeated cyclones, drought…etc all these are some indicators of interruped equilibrium of nature called ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’. The pattern of rainfall or the mansoons in India become uncertain as result of climate change.

 As the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) noted in its special report on extremes, it is increasingly clear that climate change “has detectably influenced” several of the water-related variables that contribute to floods, such as rainfall and snowmelt. The global warming remains the source of climate change where the pattern of weather distracted.  According to World Meteorologic Organization (WMO) India experienced the hightest temperature during the month of march in 122 years. India  itself emits 7% total global emission. If this situation continues further, no doubt we all have to ba a silent witness or part of more calamities or disasters. Now it is the time to awake,  listen to our nature and to take necessary steps to protect our mother Earth.


Few changes in our adapted lifestyles, can leads to an incredible changes. Covert our private vehicles into a public transportation. Also opt for enviromental friendly vehicle, bicycles which gives us  healthy enviroment and a healthy body. Policy making, creating laws and actions are much needed in this topic.Promote recycling, an ideal way to mange wastes from different materials, such as glass, rubber, paper and plastics.. etcPromote natural sources of energies over fuels. Plant trees and protect forests. Public awareness through education and campaigns.

About the author: Dr. Nitha Jacob is Assistant Professor and MPH Programme Co-ordinator at the Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health at Mangalore.

Disclaimer: Views expressed are the authors own. ECIPH is not responsible for content or views on this article.

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Dr. Nitha Jacob is Assistant Lecturer and MPH Programme Co-ordinator at the Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health at Mangalore.

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