Bangalore Medical Congress focuses on Geriatric Medicine Advances

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Indian Air Force Command Hospital Bangalore organized a scientific programme on Advancements in Geriatric Medicine held on 14th and 15th October, 2023 at the T G Jones Auditorium at Command Hospital as part of the Bangalore Medical Congress 2023.

Dr. Edmond Fernandes, Director, Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health (ECIPH) conducted a workshop for the students and faculty on Geriatrics in a changing world – Reflection on life’s final chapter.

He subsequently addressed the delegates at the Congress on Military realities and strategies – at the departure lounge of God’s airport.

In his speech, he stated that we teach doctors to inspect, to palpate, to auscultate, we don’t teach them to look at life from a social, commercial, environmental, legal determinants of health.  Our world is not just at war or suffering from the effects of climate change and proliferating economies, but also our’s is a world that is growing older, with families shrinking, with more divorces, more gay and lesbian rights, more people who prefer pets over people, fertility rates decreasing, needless to add more people moving into poverty, facing mental health issues and a social structure on the brink of collapse with homes lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered, healthcare cost ever increasing and a climate that puts human life in peril.

He highlighted that Geriatric medicine must embrace the effects of climate change that will play out on the human body and the human mind, which will invariably enhance the burden of cardiovascular diseases, air pollution and airborne allergens, leading to increase in disease pathogens, increases in the frequency and severity of heat waves, and degradation of water quality which will have profound health consequences for elderly adults. He further stated that countries must invest in global health diplomacy, make cross border travel easier for seniors where healthcare can be sought as well through multi-lateral cooperation. He threw light on various out-of the box innovation that can make ageing easy and friendly.

The speech and interaction of the session was moderated & chaired by Air Vice Marshal Sadhna Nair, VSM, PMO, HQTC, IAF.

The Chief Guest for the Congress was Lt General Daljit Singh, AVSM, VSM, PHS, Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.

Dr. Edmond expressed his gratitude to DG-AFMS, DGMS – Air, Commandant AVM Shankar, Brigadier Dr Anadure, Lt Col Sambit and the entire scientific committee for putting up a brilliantly stimulating geriatric convention.

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