Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health’s (ECIPH) ‘Brain Resilience Mission’ to promote Mental Well-Being among teenagers

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In a bid to address the rising concerns surrounding teenage stress, Edward & Cynthia institute of Public Health (ECIPH) has initiated Brain Resilience Mission. This mission is a pivotal step towards promotion and managing mental well-being among the teenagers with focus on stress management strategies.

Edward & Cynthia institute of Public Health (ECIPH) as a part of its community outreach program initiated this mission to identify the stressors unique to adolescents and young adults, raise awareness about mental health, promote the importance of mental well-being, build resilience and engaging adolescents in knowledge and activities on stress management.

As a part of this initiative ECIPH addressed the adolescents at the Government First Grade Women’s College, Balmatta, Mangaluru. Large number of students from I and II PUC from Psychology attended the session.  The session was focused on identifying the factors that create stress, types of stress students undergo, effective management of stress and activities that help to cope up with stress and mental health.

The interactive session gave students a lot of insights into the aspect of Mental Health and managing one’s mental wellbeing. The Principal at the Government First Grade Women’s College lauded the efforts of ECIPH for this unique initiative of building a resilient adolescent population and expressed interest in extending the same to the students of other departments as well.

ECIPH also conducted the session at Abhyasi High School in Hampanakatte where many students of high school actively participated in an interactive and fruitful session which dealt with teenage issues like importance of stress management, time management and teamwork.

ECIPH’s Brain Resilience Mission is making significant strides in addressing stress among teenagers, creating awareness, building resilience, and making efforts to build a collective supportive community. ECIPH is working towards making this a campaign across all schools and colleges as Mental Well-Being is one of the most important aspects of an adolescent life.

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