MPH Students visit District Hospital to understand the professional practices in the field of Public Health

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To enhance their understanding of public health practices and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, Masters of Public Health (MPH) students of Edward and Cynthia Institute of Public Health, recently embarked on a field visit to the Wenlock District Hospital, Mangalore.

The initiative, organized by the ECIPH, aimed to provide students with firsthand experience in a healthcare setting, allowing them to apply the concepts learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. The visit sought to strengthen the connection between academic instruction and the practical challenges faced in the field of public health.

The students visited the Tuberculosis Ward (TB) at the district hospital and were thoroughly briefed about the causes, medications, and government programs to eradicate TB. Students also conversed with a patient to get more insight. MPH students also visited the Blood bank and where able to understand the complete process of a blood bank operation. Apart from this they also had the opportunity to visit the Artificial Limb centre at the District Hospital and where able to witness the manufacturing of Artificial Limbs. This immersive experience allowed them to witness the complexities of managing public health on the ground and gain insights into the challenges faced by healthcare practitioners.

The students actively engaged with hospital staff, asking questions, and seeking guidance on various aspects of public health management. They also had the chance to interact with patients, learning about their healthcare needs and the socio-economic factors influencing their well-being.

The district hospital staff welcomed the students, expressing their enthusiasm for contributing to the education of future public health professionals. The collaborative effort between the institute and the hospital exemplifies the importance of partnerships between academic institutions and healthcare facilities in nurturing the next generation of public health leaders.

As the students return to their classrooms, they carry with them not only a wealth of practical experiences but also a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to addressing the challenges within the public health domain. The District Hospital visit stands as a testament to the institute’s commitment to providing a holistic education that prepares students for the complexities of real-world public health practice.

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