The intersection link between climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Climate change and disaster risk reduction are two critical areas of concern for global development, which are interlinked and must be addressed together. Climate change leads to an increase in natural disasters, and disasters, in turn, can intensify climate change impacts. Addressing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) simultaneously can reduce the…

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India needs to urgently address the disaster-climate-health nexus

Building community resilience calls for understanding how systemic risks influence policy outcomes and why existential gaps need to be plugged to tackle the nexus of public health consequences – extreme weather events and natural disasters. The pandemic has exposed the fault-line threadbare which imposes new questions and also calls for an amendment to the Disaster…

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Mass-screening as an alternative way of quarantine in Iran during COVID-19 pandemic

Corresponding Author: Dr. Fatemeh RezaeiEmail: Adopting effective coping strategies in a worsening crisis situation require authorities to identify, assess, and plan immediately the situation. The challenge we are currently facing in Iran is COVID-19, which has received widespread attention due to the rising number of death and illnesses in the community. The Iranian government…

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India’s Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) needs a SOP disruption

Stakeholders & practitioners of disaster risk reduction have practiced and approached disaster from a lens of a Standard Operating Protocol with limited cross sectoral convergence. Unfortunately, whether we like it or no, planetary outcomes and nature’s approach to weather events have no protocols. Thus, we need to approach a post disaster scenario from a perspective…

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South Asia needs an urgent policy on health & climate action

Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and challenges at multiple fronts which calls for an inclusive policy that puts health and climate action at the center of progress. Health systems vulnerability & preparedness to practice medicine with…

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Why online Masters in Public Health must be confined to dustbins

At times I get intrigued by some questions which people raise wanting to do an online Masters in Public Health ( MPH) programme. I don’t get annoyed but amused with the thought of an online programme. After years of dedicated work in the field, we still never have the right kind of confidence in bringing…

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Time to overhaul the approach to Global Health

Global health has been a terminology widely used, but seldom taken seriously when it comes to addressing health equity as a sustainable goal. Low- and Middle-Income Countries are hardest hit when it comes to addressing development challenges that surround the public health sector and development financing isn’t talent friendly and often builds on obsolete ideas…

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Public Health and Climate Crisis in the Indo-Pacific Region

A pandemic like COVID-19 has exposed the evident bottlenecks of our vulnerable world. The full feeling of a pandemic of this nature has shaken the Indo Pacific Region in more than one way with cross-sectoral impact. Nevertheless, extreme weather events induced by climate change has been creeping across nations which is straining health systems like…

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The craft of global diplomacy must shift to public health

COVID-19 presents a generation, lessons to be learnt in a transitory lifetime besides shaping the ideas and personalities of human beings and molding the very character of progress and public health. The choice between the struggle for regional peace, to eradicate hunger, to mitigate threats of bioterrorism, to tackle infectious diseases through shared regional co-operation,…

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